One God in Three Person- A mathematical problem for many

Many simply argue 1+1+1=3 as they represent the infinite, eternal, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent God with the smallest number they have been taught in kindergarten. God cannot be defined by a number since He is infinite. Because of the limitation of our mind and intellect we need some symbols or representation to perceive certain concepts. The only number which can represent God is Infinity (∞). We know that at ∞ every human equation fails.
∞+ ∞+ ∞= ∞
∞× ∞× ∞= ∞
Trinity is the Revelation of True God we see in Injeel and Holy Scriptures
The word ‘Trinity’ is not recorded in the Holy Scriptures or Injeel, just like the word ‘Tawheed’ is not recorded in the Qur’an. Trinity is a word coined by early church fathers in their attempt to explain triune God, i.e.; One God eternally existing in Three Persons. Church fathers didn’t invent this idea, they just affirmed and articulated how God has progressively revealed Himself in the Holy Scriptures and Injeel through human experience(history).
Even though Trinity is not recorded in the Injeel, Jesus at one point said (Injeel-John10:30 “I and the Father are One.” Similarly, while there isn’t a single verse explicitly stating that “the Holy Spirit and God are the same,”, we see in Acts 5:3-4: “But Peter said, ‘Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to withhold part of the proceeds of the land? … You have not lied to man but to God.'” Here we see Peter stressing the equivalence of the Holy Spirit and God. Combining the above two equivalences, we can state that The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are God; they are A Triune God.
Christians do not worship three Gods
The first article of faith compiled by early church fathers is known as Nicene Creed. Christians worldwide recite this during their worship. The very first line of this Creed says “We believe in One God,”
Nowhere in the Injeel or Holy Scriptures believers are commanded or exhorted to worship three gods. Rather it reveals and affirms again and again that the True God is One, who eternally exists in Three Persons in perfect love and communion.