Thank you very much for being such a nice person. You are a blessing to many!
But when it comes to becoming righteous before a holy and righteous God is an impossibility for sinful human being. Faithfulness is the foundation of every relationship, whether it is social, legal, financial, family etc. We cannot be 99% faithful. Faithfulness and truth are always 100%.
For example, if you say to your spouse that you will be 95% faithful to him/her, that relationship will not last.
If you tell your banker that you will be 80% faithful in paying back their loans, they will never allocate a loan for you.
If you tell a court that your testimony is (60%) truthful, immediately you will be kicked out of the process.
God is so holy that we cannot by our own efforts, maintain absolute holiness. One sin is enough to make us a sinner.
Imagine that you live in a country where capital punishment is awarded to murderers. You have lived your life as a good, helpful, kind and law-abiding citizen till the age of 50. You served the country; you observed every religious duty faithfully and donated huge amounts to charity. At the age of 51 you committed murder and convicted by court. Do you think the court of justice will let you go free because you were a good citizen till the age of 50? Of course not. One single act of murder made you a criminal deserving capital punishment.
In the same way one single sin makes us sinners (unholy and unrighteous) before God. We deserve the punishment, i.e.; death. We see in Torah that God warned Adam that he will die if he sins.
So our good deeds cannot save us from the punishment for our sins. We all need forgiveness of God that He offered freely to each one of us. Forgiveness is freely available to all who trust what God has done for our salvation by sacrificing His Son Jesus Christ on our behalf. There is no other way to receive forgiveness of sins.
- Injeel very clearly says that “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men (except Jesus Christ) by which we must be saved.”(Injeel- Acts 4:12)