Was Jesus really crucified, died and resurrected?

There are more than 250 references in the Holy Scriptures about the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Prophet Dawood prophesied about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ thousand years before Jesus (Psalm 16:10; Psalm 22) Prophet Isaiah prophesied about Jesus’s death more than seven hundred years before Christ’s birth (Isaiah 53) Jesus Himself told His disciples that He came to die as a sacrifice for many (Injeel- Mark 10:45)

Historical evidence 

Historical evidence tells without any doubt that Jesus was crucified, died and resurrected.

Jews were no strangers to crucifixion. For example, just over thirty years before Jesus, the governor of Syria crucified 2,000 Jews. The ancient writer Cicero called death by crucifixion, “the most cruel and hideous of tortures,”. Crucifixion was so awful that the Romans usually exempted Roman citizens and reserved it for slaves or rebels to discourage uprising. Although crucifixion was widely described in the literature from the time, it was not until 1968 that the actual remnants of a crucified person from a similar time and place were found. While working in Jerusalem, construction workers uncovered an ancient tomb. Inside the tomb they found a nail in knotted wood, piercing through an ankle bone. The discovery has been dated to the first century.

Notable references to Jesus’ crucifixion, death and resurrection can be found in the writings of Roman historian Tacitus (AD 55), the Roman governor Pliny the Younger, the first-century Jewish historian Josephus (AD 93), the second-century Greek satirist Lucian (AD 100) and in Jewish Talmuds.

In 1889, archaeologists found a first century home in Jerusalem that seems to match the details of what the New Testament tells us about Caiaphas

In 1961, two Italian archaeologists excavated the Mediterranean port city of Caesarea. They were very surprised to uncover a two-by-three-foot inscription in Latin that reads: “Pontius Pilate, Prefect of Judea.” This archaeological discovery of a historical reference to Pilate confirmed his exact position, which was in step with how the Injeel described him.

Empty Tomb and Missing Body

Jewish leaders requested special Roman guards to protect the tomb where Jesus’ body was buried since they were concerned about what Jesus said while He was alive. Jesus had said multiple times that He will rise from the dead on the third day.

Considering such an antagonistic situation, only proven firsthand knowledge of the fact of resurrection would motivate the disciples to boldly proclaim to the world that Jesus is risen. They knew very well the price they must pay for their testimony.

Risen Jesus Appeared to more than 500 people over 40 days. 

The death and resurrection of Jesus is indisputably true. Thousands of Jews were impacted by this event to such an extent that they left their long held religious views and rules and started worshipping Jesus on the first day of the week instead of Sabbath, the seventh day.

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