It is very difficult to wrap our minds around the idea that eternal, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient God became man. That is exactly what happened 2000 years ago in the Holy Land. Everything is possible for God. There is no limitation whatsoever.
The promises of God never fail
God promised the birth of the Messiah through His holy prophets thousands of years ago. Every detail about God’s incarnation as Jesus of Nazareth- like His birth, place of birth, life, miracles, kind of death and resurrection was accurately recorded in the Holy Scriptures centuries ago.
God’s Nature and Power was revealed in Christ
Divine nature and functions revealed in the Holy Scriptures about Jesus Christ proves that He is God.
He is referred to as Creator (John 1:3, Colossians 1:16, and Hebrews 1:2) Author of Life (John 1:4, Acts 3:15) Ruler (Rev 1:6,8) Eternal (Isaiah 9:6, Micah 5:2) Great God (Titus 2:13)
Only God could do these things.
His birth and life reveal that Jesus is God. He was born of a virgin which is a unique birth. His life was sinless to the point that even His enemies couldn’t find any fault with Him. His teachings were unique. He performed miracles over nature and death that could be done only by God.
Ultimately His victory over death and sin proves without any doubt that He is God incarnated.